Module ehfheatwaves.ehfheatwaves

Main heatwave calculation module. The main program routine is executed from this module.

The procedure is:

  • parse arguments
  • load the base period data
  • calculate the percentile thresholds
  • load the remaining data
  • calculate heatwave indices
  • calculate seasonal characteristics for each hemisphere and join them back together
  • save to netCDF files.

The EHF Index is defined from Nairn et al., (2009) and Nairn and Fawcett, (2013).

EHI_{sig} = \frac{(T_i + T_{i-1} + T_{i-2})}{3} - T_{90}

EHI_{accl} = \frac{(T_i + T_{i-1} + T_{i-2})}{3} - \frac{(T_i + ... + T_{-30})}{30}

EHF = EHI_{sig} \cdot max(1, EHI_{accl})

Nairn J, Fawcett R. 2013. Defining heatwaves: heatwave defined as a heat-impact event servicing all community and business sectors in Australia. CAWCR Tech. Rep. 60: 10–15.

Nairn J, Fawcett R, Ray D. 2009. Defining and predicting excessive heat events, a national system. CAWCR Tech. Rep. 60: 83–86.

Expand source code
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Main heatwave calculation module. The main program routine is executed from this module.

The procedure is:

- parse arguments
- load the base period data
- calculate the percentile thresholds
- load the remaining data
- calculate heatwave indices
- calculate seasonal characteristics for each hemisphere and join them back together
- save to netCDF files.

The EHF Index is defined from Nairn et al., (2009) and Nairn and Fawcett, (2013).

$$ EHI_{sig} = \\frac{(T_i + T_{i-1} + T_{i-2})}{3} - T_{90} $$

$$ EHI_{accl} = \\frac{(T_i + T_{i-1} + T_{i-2})}{3} - \\frac{(T_i + ... + T_{-30})}{30} $$

$$ EHF = EHI_{sig} \cdot max(1, EHI_{accl}) $$

Nairn J, Fawcett R. 2013. Defining heatwaves: heatwave defined as a heat-impact event servicing
all community and business sectors in Australia. CAWCR Tech. Rep. 60: 10–15.

Nairn J, Fawcett R, Ray D. 2009. Defining and predicting excessive heat events, a national system.
CAWCR Tech. Rep. 60: 83–86.
import sys
import warnings

import numpy as np

import ehfheatwaves.constants as const
import ehfheatwaves.getoptions as getoptions
import ehfheatwaves.ncio as ncio
import ehfheatwaves.qtiler as qtiler
from ehfheatwaves.getoptions import options

warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning)

class GridDescription(object):
    """Description of grid."""

    def __init__(self, lats=np.array([])):
        """## Arguments:

        - lats : Latitudes.
        self.lats = lats

def window_percentile(temp:np.ndarray, daysinyear:int=365, wsize:int=15)->np.ndarray:
    """Calculate a day-of-year moving window percentile.

    ## Arguments:

    - temp : Temperature data.
    - daysinyear : Number of days in a year.
    - wsize : Number of days in moving window.
    # Initialise array.
    pctl = np.ones(((daysinyear,)+temp.shape[1:]))*const.FILL_VAL

    # Construct the window.
    window = np.zeros(daysinyear, dtype=bool)
    window[-np.floor(wsize/2.).astype(int):] = 1
    window[:np.ceil(wsize/2.).astype(int)] = 1
    window = np.tile(window, options.bpend + 1 - options.bpstart)

    # Select the interpolation method.
    if options.qtilemethod=='python':
        percentile = np.percentile
        parameter = 0
    elif options.qtilemethod=='zhang':
        percentile = qtiler.quantile_zhang_fast
        parameter = False
    elif options.qtilemethod=='matlab':
        percentile = qtiler.quantile_R
        parameter = 5
    elif options.qtilemethod=='climpact':
        percentile = qtiler.quantile_climpact
        parameter = False

    # Set the percentile for each day of year.
    for day in range(daysinyear):
        pctl[day,...] = percentile(temp[window,...], options.pcntl, parameter)
        window = np.roll(window, 1)

    # Remaining nans are missing data.
    pctl[np.isnan(pctl)] = const.MISSING_VAL

    return pctl

def identify_hw(ehfs:np.ndarray)->tuple:
    """Locate heatwaves from EHF and returns an event indicator and a duration indicator.

    ## Arguments:

    - ehfs : EHF values.

    ## Returns:
    - events : array of bools for heatwave events.
    - endss : array of integers for heatwave duration.
    # Agregate consecutive days with EHF>0
    # First day contains duration
    if np.isnan(ehfs).any(): # then ehfs is a view to tmax or tmin
        # This is handled differently to EHFs because tmax or tmin could theoretically hold -ve
        # values. Therefore we identify values of the exceedence index that are not nan values as
        # heatwaves.
        events = np.logical_not(np.isnan(ehfs)).astype(int)
    else: # ehfs is a view to actual EHF values
        events = (ehfs>0.0).astype(int)
        events[events.mask==True] = 0
    for i in range(events.shape[0] - 2, -1, -1):
         events[i,events[i,...]>0] = events[i+1,events[i,...]>0]+1

    # Identify when heatwaves start with duration
    # Given that first day contains duration
    diff = np.zeros(events.shape)
    # Insert the first diff value as np.diff doesn't catch it because
    # there is no pevious value to compare to.
    diff[0,...] = events[0,...]
    diff[1:,...] = np.diff(events, axis=0)
    endss =, dtype=int)
    endss[diff>2] = events[diff>2]

    # Remove events less than 3 days
    events[diff==2] = 0
    events[np.roll(diff==2, 1, axis=0)] = 0
    events[diff==1] = 0
    del diff
    events[events>0] = 1
    events = events.astype(bool)
    endss[endss<3] = 0
    return events, endss

def identify_semi_hw(ehfs:np.ndarray)->tuple:
    """identify_hw locates heatwaves from EHF and returns an event indicator and a duration
    indicator. This function does not exclude events less than three days in duration.

    ## Arguments:

    - ehfs : EHF values.

    ## Returns:

    - events : array of bools for heatwave events.
    - endss -- array of integers for heatwave duration.
    # Agregate consecutive days with EHF>0
    # First day contains duration
    if np.isnan(ehfs).any(): # then ehfs is a view to tmax or tmin
        # This is handled differently to EHFs because tmax or tmin could theoretically hold -ve
        # values. Therefore we identify values of the exceedence index that are not nan values as
        # heatwaves.
        events = np.logical_not(np.isnan(ehfs)).astype(int)
    else: # ehfs is a view to actual EHF values
        events = (ehfs>0.0).astype(int)
        events[events.mask==True] = 0
    for i in range(events.shape[0] - 2, -1, -1):
         events[i,events[i,...]>0] = events[i+1,events[i,...]>0]+1

    # Identify when heatwaves start with duration
    # Given that first day contains duration
    diff = np.zeros(events.shape)
    # Insert the first diff value as np.diff doesn't catch it because
    # there is no pevious value to compare to.
    diff[0,...] = events[0,...]
    diff[1:,...] = np.diff(events, axis=0)
    endss =, dtype=int)
    endss[diff>0] = events[diff>0]
    del diff
    events[events>0] = 1
    events = events.astype(bool)
    return events, endss

def hw_aspects(EHF:np.ndarray, season:str, hemisphere:str)->tuple:
    """Call `identify_hw` and/or `identify_semi_hw` and calculate seasonal aspects.

    ## Arguments:

    - EHF : EHF values.
    - season : The season in which to calculate aspects for.
    - hemisphere : The hemisphere to calculate heatwaves for.

    ## Returns:

    - HWA : Amplitude
    - HWM : Magnitude
    - HWN : Number
    - HWF : Frequency
    - HWD : Maximum duration
    - HWT : Timing
    global timedata
    # Select indices depending on calendar season and hemisphere
    if season=='summer':
        if hemisphere=='south':
            startday = timedata.SHS[0]
            endday = timedata.SHS[1]
            startday = timedata.SHW[0]
            endday = timedata.SHW[1]
    elif season=='winter':
        if hemisphere=='south':
            startday = timedata.SHW[0]
            endday = timedata.SHW[1]
            startday = timedata.SHS[0]
            endday = timedata.SHS[1]
    # Initialize arrays
    HWA = np.ones(((timedata.nyears,)+(EHF.shape[1],)))*const.FILL_VAL
    HWM = HWA.copy()
    HWN = HWA.copy()
    HWF = HWA.copy()
    HWD = HWA.copy()
    HWT = HWA.copy()
    # Loop over years
    for iyear, year in enumerate(range(timedata.first_year, timedata.daylast.year)):
        if options.oldmethod:
            if (year==timedata.daylast.year): continue # Incomplete yr
            # Select this years season
            allowance = 14 # For including heawave days after the end of the season
            ifrom = startday + timedata.daysinyear*iyear - 1 # -1 to include Oct 31st
            ito = endday + timedata.daysinyear*iyear + allowance
            EHF_i = EHF[ifrom:ito,...]
            event_i, duration_i = identify_hw(EHF_i)
            # Identify heatwaves that span the entire season
            perpetual = event_i[:-allowance,...].all(axis=0)
            perphw = duration_i[0,perpetual] - 1 # -1 to exclude Oct 31st
            # Remove events that start after the end of the season and before start
            EHF_i = EHF_i[1:,...]
            duration_i = duration_i[1:-allowance,...]
            event_i = event_i[1:-allowance,...]
            # Indicate perpetual heatwaves if they occur.
            if perpetual.any(): duration_i[0,perpetual] = perphw
            # Select this years season
            allowance = 14 # For including heawave days after the end of the season
            ifrom = startday + timedata.daysinyear*iyear - 2
            ito = endday + timedata.daysinyear*iyear + allowance
            EHF_i = EHF[ifrom:ito,...]
            event_i, duration_i = identify_hw(EHF_i)
            # Remove EHF values in pre season
            EHF_i = EHF_i[2:,...]
            # Identify semi heatwaves that overlap the start of season only including days within the season.
            event_i = event_i[2:,...]
            event_i, duration_i = identify_semi_hw(event_i)
            # Identify heatwaves that span the entire season
            perpetual = event_i[:-allowance,...].all(axis=0)
            perphw = duration_i[0,perpetual] - 1 # -1 to exclude Oct 31st
            # Indicate locations of perpetual heatwaves if they occur.
            if perpetual.any(): duration_i[0,perpetual] = perphw
            # Remove events that start after the end of the season
            duration_i = duration_i[:-allowance,...]
        # Calculate metrics
        HWN[iyear,...] = (duration_i>0).sum(axis=0)
        HWF[iyear,...] = duration_i.sum(axis=0)
        HWD[iyear,...] = duration_i.max(axis=0)
        HWT[iyear,...] = np.argmax(event_i, axis=0)
        # HWM and HWA must be done on each gridcell
        for x in range(EHF_i.shape[1]):
            hw_mag = []
            # retrieve indices where heatwaves start.
            i = np.where(duration_i[:,x]>0)[0] # time
            d = duration_i[i,x] # duration
            if (d==0).all(): continue
            for hw in range(len(d)):
                # retireve this heatwave's EHF values and mean magnitude
                hwdat = EHF_i[i[hw]:i[hw]+d[hw],x]
            HWM[iyear,x] = np.nanmean(hw_mag)
            # Find the hottest heatwave magnitude
            idex = np.where(hw_mag==max(hw_mag))[0][0]
            # Find that heatwave's hottest day as EHF value.
            HWA[iyear,x] = EHF_i[i[idex]:i[idex]+d[idex],x].max()
        # Locate invalid values or misisng values
        missing = EHF_i.mask.all(axis=0)
        if missing.any():
            HWT[iyear,missing] = const.MISSING_VAL
            HWN[iyear,missing] = const.MISSING_VAL
            HWF[iyear,missing] = const.MISSING_VAL
            HWD[iyear,missing] = const.MISSING_VAL
            HWA[iyear,missing] = const.MISSING_VAL
            HWM[iyear,missing] = const.MISSING_VAL
        invalid = HWN[iyear,...]==0
        HWT[iyear,invalid] = const.INVALID_VAL
        HWD[iyear,invalid] = const.INVALID_VAL
        HWA[iyear,invalid] = const.INVALID_VAL
        HWM[iyear,invalid] = const.INVALID_VAL
    return HWA, HWM, HWN, HWF, HWD, HWT

# Calculate metrics year by year
def split_hemispheres(EHF:np.ndarray, north:bool, south:bool)->tuple:
    """Split the input data by hemispheres, and glue them back together after heatwave

    The EHF spatial axes are reshaped into a single dimension.
    The output arrays are 2D. When saving, data should be reshaped or indexed with a land-sea mask.

    ## Arguments:

    - EHF : EHF values.
    - north : Calculate heatwaves for the northern hemisphere.
    - south : Calculate heatwaves for the southern hemisphere.

    ## Returns:

    - HWA : Amplitude
    - HWM : Magnitude
    - HWN : Number
    - HWF : Frequency
    - HWD : Maximum duration
    - HWT : Timing
    lats = grid.lats
    if south:
        if options.maskfile:
            EHF_s = EHF[:,:(mask[lats<=0]>0).sum()]
            EHF_s = EHF[:,lats<=0,...]
        # Reshape to 2D
        space = EHF_s.shape[1:]
        if len(space)>1:
            EHF_s = EHF_s.reshape(EHF_s.shape[0], space[0]*space[1])
        # Southern hemisphere aspects
        HWA_s, HWM_s, HWN_s, HWF_s, HWD_s, HWT_s = hw_aspects(EHF_s, options.season, 'south')
        del EHF_s
    if north:
        if options.maskfile:
            EHF_n = EHF[:,(mask[lats<=0]>0).sum():]
            EHF_n = EHF[:,lats>0,...]
        # Reshape to 2D
        space = EHF_n.shape[1:]
        if len(space)>1:
            EHF_n = EHF_n.reshape(EHF_n.shape[0],space[0]*space[1])
        # Northern hemisphere aspects
        HWA_n, HWM_n, HWN_n, HWF_n, HWD_n, HWT_n = hw_aspects(EHF_n, options.season, 'north')
        del EHF_n
    # Glue hemispheres back together
    if north and south:
        HWA = np.append(HWA_s, HWA_n, axis=1)
        HWM = np.append(HWM_s, HWM_n, axis=1)
        HWN = np.append(HWN_s, HWN_n, axis=1)
        HWF = np.append(HWF_s, HWF_n, axis=1)
        HWD = np.append(HWD_s, HWD_n, axis=1)
        HWT = np.append(HWT_s, HWT_n, axis=1)
    elif north:
        HWA = HWA_n
        HWM = HWM_n
        HWN = HWN_n
        HWF = HWF_n
        HWD = HWD_n
        HWT = HWT_n
    elif south:
        HWA = HWA_s
        HWM = HWM_s
        HWN = HWN_s
        HWF = HWF_s
        HWD = HWD_s
        HWT = HWT_s
    return HWA, HWM, HWN, HWF, HWD, HWT

def main():
    """Main function that is called by the entry point script.

    See the following documentation for more information on entry points.

    This function parses the command line arguments and options then calculates the heatwaves and
    saves them to netcdf files.
    global grid, timedata, mask, options
    # Get the options and variables
    options = getoptions.parse_arguments(sys.argv[1:])

    # Load time data
    if options.verbose: print("Loading data")
    if options.tmaxfile:
        filename = options.tmaxfile
    elif options.tminfile:
        filename = options.tminfile
    timedata = ncio.TimeData(filename, options.timevname)
    grid = GridDescription()

    # Load land-sea mask
    if options.maskfile: mask = ncio.get_mask(options)
    else: mask = None

    # Load the temperature data over the base period
    if options.keeptave or options.keeptmax:
        tmax = ncio.load_bp_data(options, timedata, variable='tmax', mask=mask)
    if options.keeptave or options.keeptmin:
        tmin = ncio.load_bp_data(options, timedata, variable='tmin', mask=mask)
    if options.keeptave:
        tave_base = (tmax + tmin)/2.

    # Caclulate percentile
    if options.verbose: print("Calculating percentiles")
    if options.keeptave:
        tpct = window_percentile(tave_base, daysinyear=timedata.daysinyear)
    if options.keeptmax:
        txpct = window_percentile(tmax, daysinyear=timedata.daysinyear)
    if options.keeptmin:
        tnpct = window_percentile(tmin, daysinyear=timedata.daysinyear)
    if not options.noehf: del tave_base

    # Load all data
    if options.verbose: print("Loading data")
    if options.keeptave or options.keeptmax:
        tmax, grid.lats = ncio.get_all_data(options.tmaxfile, options.tmaxvname, options)
        original_shape = tmax.shape
    if options.keeptave or options.keeptmin:
        tmin, grid.lats = ncio.get_all_data(options.tminfile, options.tminvname, options)
        original_shape = tmin.shape
    if options.keeptave:
        tave = (tmax + tmin)/2.

    # Remove leap days from data
    if (timedata.calendar=='gregorian')|(timedata.calendar=='proleptic_gregorian')|(timedata.calendar=='standard'):
        if options.keeptave:
            tave = tave[(timedata.dates.month!=2)|(!=29),...]
            original_shape = (tave.shape[0], original_shape[1], original_shape[2])
        if options.keeptmax or options.keeptave:
            tmax = tmax[(timedata.dates.month!=2)|(!=29),...]
            original_shape = (tmax.shape[0], original_shape[1], original_shape[2])
        if options.keeptmin or options.keeptave:
            tmin = tmin[(timedata.dates.month!=2)|(!=29),...]
            original_shape = (tmin.shape[0], original_shape[1], original_shape[2])
        timedata.calendar = '365_day'

    # Remove incomplete starting year
    timedata.first_year = timedata.dayone.year
    if (timedata.dayone.month!=1)|(!=1):
        timedata.first_year = timedata.dayone.year+1
        start = np.argmax(timedata.dates.year==timedata.first_year)
        if options.keeptave:
            tave = tave[start:,...]
            original_shape = (tave.shape[0], original_shape[1], original_shape[2])
        if options.keeptmax:
            tmax = tmax[start:,...]
            original_shape = (tmax.shape[0], original_shape[1], original_shape[2])
        if options.keeptmin:
            tmin = tmin[start:,...]
            original_shape = (tmin.shape[0], original_shape[1], original_shape[2])

    # Apply mask
    if options.maskfile:
        if options.keeptave:
            tave = tave[:,mask]
        if options.keeptmax:
            tmax = tmax[:,mask]
        if options.keeptmin:
            tmin = tmin[:,mask]

    if options.verbose: print("Caclulating definition")
    # Calculate EHF
    if not options.noehf:
        EHF =*np.nan
        for i in range(32, tave.shape[0]):
            EHIaccl = tave[i-2:i+1,...].sum(axis=0)/3.0 - tave[i-32:i-2,...].sum(axis=0)/30.0
            EHIsig = tave[i-2:i+1,...].sum(axis=0)/3.0 - tpct[i-timedata.daysinyear*int((i+1)/timedata.daysinyear),...]
            EHF[i,...] =, 1.0)*EHIsig
        EHF[EHF<0] = 0
    if options.ehi:
        EHIaccl =*np.nan
        EHIsig =*np.nan
        for i in range(32, tave.shape[0]):
            EHIaccl[i,...] = tave[i-2:i+1,...].sum(axis=0)/3.0 - tave[i-32:i-2,...].sum(axis=0)/30.0
            EHIsig[i,...] = tave[i-2:i+1,...].sum(axis=0)/3.0 - tpct[i-timedata.daysinyear*int((i+1)/timedata.daysinyear),...]

    # Tx90pc exceedences
    if options.keeptmin or options.keeptmax:
        if options.keeptmax:
            txexceed =*np.nan
            for i in range(0, tmax.shape[0]):
                idoy = i-timedata.daysinyear*int((i+1)/timedata.daysinyear)
                txexceed[i,...] = tmax[i,...]>txpct[idoy,...]
            txexceed[txexceed>0] = tmax[txexceed>0]
            txexceed[txexceed==0] = np.nan # need nans to be identified correctly
        if options.keeptmin:
            tnexceed =*np.nan
            for i in range(0, tmin.shape[0]):
                idoy = i-timedata.daysinyear*int((i+1)/timedata.daysinyear)
                tnexceed[i,...] = tmin[i,...]>tnpct[idoy,...]
            tnexceed[tnexceed>0] = tmin[tnexceed>0]
            tnexceed[tnexceed==0] = np.nan # need nans to be identified correctly

    # Calculate daily output
    if options.dailyout or options.dailyout: event, ends = identify_hw(EHF)
    if options.tx90pcd: event_tx, ends_tx = identify_hw(txexceed)
    if options.tn90pcd: event_tn, ends_tn = identify_hw(tnexceed)

    timedata.nyears = len(range(timedata.first_year, timedata.daylast.year + 1))

    # Calculate yearly output
    if options.yearlyout:
        if options.verbose: print("Calculating yearly aspects")
        # Split by latitude
        north = (grid.lats>0).any()
        south = (grid.lats<=0).any()
        if not options.noehf:
            HWA_EHF, HWM_EHF, HWN_EHF, HWF_EHF, HWD_EHF, HWT_EHF = split_hemispheres(
        if options.tx90pc:
            HWA_tx, HWM_tx, HWN_tx, HWF_tx, HWD_tx, HWT_tx = split_hemispheres(
        if options.tn90pc:
            HWA_tn, HWM_tn, HWN_tn, HWF_tn, HWD_tn, HWT_tn = split_hemispheres(

    if options.verbose: print("Saving")
    # Save yearly data to netcdf
    if options.yearlyout:
        if not options.noehf:
        if options.tx90pc:
        if options.tn90pc:

    # Save daily data to netcdf
    if options.dailyout:
        if options.keeptave:
        if options.tx90pcd:
        if options.tn90pcd:

    # save EHIs
    if options.ehi:
        ncio.save_ehi(EHIsig, EHIaccl, options, timedata, original_shape, mask)


def hw_aspects(EHF: numpy.ndarray, season: str, hemisphere: str) ‑> tuple

Call identify_hw() and/or identify_semi_hw() and calculate seasonal aspects.


  • EHF : EHF values.
  • season : The season in which to calculate aspects for.
  • hemisphere : The hemisphere to calculate heatwaves for.


  • HWA : Amplitude
  • HWM : Magnitude
  • HWN : Number
  • HWF : Frequency
  • HWD : Maximum duration
  • HWT : Timing
Expand source code
def hw_aspects(EHF:np.ndarray, season:str, hemisphere:str)->tuple:
    """Call `identify_hw` and/or `identify_semi_hw` and calculate seasonal aspects.

    ## Arguments:

    - EHF : EHF values.
    - season : The season in which to calculate aspects for.
    - hemisphere : The hemisphere to calculate heatwaves for.

    ## Returns:

    - HWA : Amplitude
    - HWM : Magnitude
    - HWN : Number
    - HWF : Frequency
    - HWD : Maximum duration
    - HWT : Timing
    global timedata
    # Select indices depending on calendar season and hemisphere
    if season=='summer':
        if hemisphere=='south':
            startday = timedata.SHS[0]
            endday = timedata.SHS[1]
            startday = timedata.SHW[0]
            endday = timedata.SHW[1]
    elif season=='winter':
        if hemisphere=='south':
            startday = timedata.SHW[0]
            endday = timedata.SHW[1]
            startday = timedata.SHS[0]
            endday = timedata.SHS[1]
    # Initialize arrays
    HWA = np.ones(((timedata.nyears,)+(EHF.shape[1],)))*const.FILL_VAL
    HWM = HWA.copy()
    HWN = HWA.copy()
    HWF = HWA.copy()
    HWD = HWA.copy()
    HWT = HWA.copy()
    # Loop over years
    for iyear, year in enumerate(range(timedata.first_year, timedata.daylast.year)):
        if options.oldmethod:
            if (year==timedata.daylast.year): continue # Incomplete yr
            # Select this years season
            allowance = 14 # For including heawave days after the end of the season
            ifrom = startday + timedata.daysinyear*iyear - 1 # -1 to include Oct 31st
            ito = endday + timedata.daysinyear*iyear + allowance
            EHF_i = EHF[ifrom:ito,...]
            event_i, duration_i = identify_hw(EHF_i)
            # Identify heatwaves that span the entire season
            perpetual = event_i[:-allowance,...].all(axis=0)
            perphw = duration_i[0,perpetual] - 1 # -1 to exclude Oct 31st
            # Remove events that start after the end of the season and before start
            EHF_i = EHF_i[1:,...]
            duration_i = duration_i[1:-allowance,...]
            event_i = event_i[1:-allowance,...]
            # Indicate perpetual heatwaves if they occur.
            if perpetual.any(): duration_i[0,perpetual] = perphw
            # Select this years season
            allowance = 14 # For including heawave days after the end of the season
            ifrom = startday + timedata.daysinyear*iyear - 2
            ito = endday + timedata.daysinyear*iyear + allowance
            EHF_i = EHF[ifrom:ito,...]
            event_i, duration_i = identify_hw(EHF_i)
            # Remove EHF values in pre season
            EHF_i = EHF_i[2:,...]
            # Identify semi heatwaves that overlap the start of season only including days within the season.
            event_i = event_i[2:,...]
            event_i, duration_i = identify_semi_hw(event_i)
            # Identify heatwaves that span the entire season
            perpetual = event_i[:-allowance,...].all(axis=0)
            perphw = duration_i[0,perpetual] - 1 # -1 to exclude Oct 31st
            # Indicate locations of perpetual heatwaves if they occur.
            if perpetual.any(): duration_i[0,perpetual] = perphw
            # Remove events that start after the end of the season
            duration_i = duration_i[:-allowance,...]
        # Calculate metrics
        HWN[iyear,...] = (duration_i>0).sum(axis=0)
        HWF[iyear,...] = duration_i.sum(axis=0)
        HWD[iyear,...] = duration_i.max(axis=0)
        HWT[iyear,...] = np.argmax(event_i, axis=0)
        # HWM and HWA must be done on each gridcell
        for x in range(EHF_i.shape[1]):
            hw_mag = []
            # retrieve indices where heatwaves start.
            i = np.where(duration_i[:,x]>0)[0] # time
            d = duration_i[i,x] # duration
            if (d==0).all(): continue
            for hw in range(len(d)):
                # retireve this heatwave's EHF values and mean magnitude
                hwdat = EHF_i[i[hw]:i[hw]+d[hw],x]
            HWM[iyear,x] = np.nanmean(hw_mag)
            # Find the hottest heatwave magnitude
            idex = np.where(hw_mag==max(hw_mag))[0][0]
            # Find that heatwave's hottest day as EHF value.
            HWA[iyear,x] = EHF_i[i[idex]:i[idex]+d[idex],x].max()
        # Locate invalid values or misisng values
        missing = EHF_i.mask.all(axis=0)
        if missing.any():
            HWT[iyear,missing] = const.MISSING_VAL
            HWN[iyear,missing] = const.MISSING_VAL
            HWF[iyear,missing] = const.MISSING_VAL
            HWD[iyear,missing] = const.MISSING_VAL
            HWA[iyear,missing] = const.MISSING_VAL
            HWM[iyear,missing] = const.MISSING_VAL
        invalid = HWN[iyear,...]==0
        HWT[iyear,invalid] = const.INVALID_VAL
        HWD[iyear,invalid] = const.INVALID_VAL
        HWA[iyear,invalid] = const.INVALID_VAL
        HWM[iyear,invalid] = const.INVALID_VAL
    return HWA, HWM, HWN, HWF, HWD, HWT
def identify_hw(ehfs: numpy.ndarray) ‑> tuple

Locate heatwaves from EHF and returns an event indicator and a duration indicator.


  • ehfs : EHF values.


  • events : array of bools for heatwave events.
  • endss : array of integers for heatwave duration.
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def identify_hw(ehfs:np.ndarray)->tuple:
    """Locate heatwaves from EHF and returns an event indicator and a duration indicator.

    ## Arguments:

    - ehfs : EHF values.

    ## Returns:
    - events : array of bools for heatwave events.
    - endss : array of integers for heatwave duration.
    # Agregate consecutive days with EHF>0
    # First day contains duration
    if np.isnan(ehfs).any(): # then ehfs is a view to tmax or tmin
        # This is handled differently to EHFs because tmax or tmin could theoretically hold -ve
        # values. Therefore we identify values of the exceedence index that are not nan values as
        # heatwaves.
        events = np.logical_not(np.isnan(ehfs)).astype(int)
    else: # ehfs is a view to actual EHF values
        events = (ehfs>0.0).astype(int)
        events[events.mask==True] = 0
    for i in range(events.shape[0] - 2, -1, -1):
         events[i,events[i,...]>0] = events[i+1,events[i,...]>0]+1

    # Identify when heatwaves start with duration
    # Given that first day contains duration
    diff = np.zeros(events.shape)
    # Insert the first diff value as np.diff doesn't catch it because
    # there is no pevious value to compare to.
    diff[0,...] = events[0,...]
    diff[1:,...] = np.diff(events, axis=0)
    endss =, dtype=int)
    endss[diff>2] = events[diff>2]

    # Remove events less than 3 days
    events[diff==2] = 0
    events[np.roll(diff==2, 1, axis=0)] = 0
    events[diff==1] = 0
    del diff
    events[events>0] = 1
    events = events.astype(bool)
    endss[endss<3] = 0
    return events, endss
def identify_semi_hw(ehfs: numpy.ndarray) ‑> tuple

identify_hw locates heatwaves from EHF and returns an event indicator and a duration indicator. This function does not exclude events less than three days in duration.


  • ehfs : EHF values.


  • events : array of bools for heatwave events.
  • endss – array of integers for heatwave duration.
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def identify_semi_hw(ehfs:np.ndarray)->tuple:
    """identify_hw locates heatwaves from EHF and returns an event indicator and a duration
    indicator. This function does not exclude events less than three days in duration.

    ## Arguments:

    - ehfs : EHF values.

    ## Returns:

    - events : array of bools for heatwave events.
    - endss -- array of integers for heatwave duration.
    # Agregate consecutive days with EHF>0
    # First day contains duration
    if np.isnan(ehfs).any(): # then ehfs is a view to tmax or tmin
        # This is handled differently to EHFs because tmax or tmin could theoretically hold -ve
        # values. Therefore we identify values of the exceedence index that are not nan values as
        # heatwaves.
        events = np.logical_not(np.isnan(ehfs)).astype(int)
    else: # ehfs is a view to actual EHF values
        events = (ehfs>0.0).astype(int)
        events[events.mask==True] = 0
    for i in range(events.shape[0] - 2, -1, -1):
         events[i,events[i,...]>0] = events[i+1,events[i,...]>0]+1

    # Identify when heatwaves start with duration
    # Given that first day contains duration
    diff = np.zeros(events.shape)
    # Insert the first diff value as np.diff doesn't catch it because
    # there is no pevious value to compare to.
    diff[0,...] = events[0,...]
    diff[1:,...] = np.diff(events, axis=0)
    endss =, dtype=int)
    endss[diff>0] = events[diff>0]
    del diff
    events[events>0] = 1
    events = events.astype(bool)
    return events, endss
def main()

Main function that is called by the entry point script.

See the following documentation for more information on entry points.

This function parses the command line arguments and options then calculates the heatwaves and saves them to netcdf files.

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def main():
    """Main function that is called by the entry point script.

    See the following documentation for more information on entry points.

    This function parses the command line arguments and options then calculates the heatwaves and
    saves them to netcdf files.
    global grid, timedata, mask, options
    # Get the options and variables
    options = getoptions.parse_arguments(sys.argv[1:])

    # Load time data
    if options.verbose: print("Loading data")
    if options.tmaxfile:
        filename = options.tmaxfile
    elif options.tminfile:
        filename = options.tminfile
    timedata = ncio.TimeData(filename, options.timevname)
    grid = GridDescription()

    # Load land-sea mask
    if options.maskfile: mask = ncio.get_mask(options)
    else: mask = None

    # Load the temperature data over the base period
    if options.keeptave or options.keeptmax:
        tmax = ncio.load_bp_data(options, timedata, variable='tmax', mask=mask)
    if options.keeptave or options.keeptmin:
        tmin = ncio.load_bp_data(options, timedata, variable='tmin', mask=mask)
    if options.keeptave:
        tave_base = (tmax + tmin)/2.

    # Caclulate percentile
    if options.verbose: print("Calculating percentiles")
    if options.keeptave:
        tpct = window_percentile(tave_base, daysinyear=timedata.daysinyear)
    if options.keeptmax:
        txpct = window_percentile(tmax, daysinyear=timedata.daysinyear)
    if options.keeptmin:
        tnpct = window_percentile(tmin, daysinyear=timedata.daysinyear)
    if not options.noehf: del tave_base

    # Load all data
    if options.verbose: print("Loading data")
    if options.keeptave or options.keeptmax:
        tmax, grid.lats = ncio.get_all_data(options.tmaxfile, options.tmaxvname, options)
        original_shape = tmax.shape
    if options.keeptave or options.keeptmin:
        tmin, grid.lats = ncio.get_all_data(options.tminfile, options.tminvname, options)
        original_shape = tmin.shape
    if options.keeptave:
        tave = (tmax + tmin)/2.

    # Remove leap days from data
    if (timedata.calendar=='gregorian')|(timedata.calendar=='proleptic_gregorian')|(timedata.calendar=='standard'):
        if options.keeptave:
            tave = tave[(timedata.dates.month!=2)|(!=29),...]
            original_shape = (tave.shape[0], original_shape[1], original_shape[2])
        if options.keeptmax or options.keeptave:
            tmax = tmax[(timedata.dates.month!=2)|(!=29),...]
            original_shape = (tmax.shape[0], original_shape[1], original_shape[2])
        if options.keeptmin or options.keeptave:
            tmin = tmin[(timedata.dates.month!=2)|(!=29),...]
            original_shape = (tmin.shape[0], original_shape[1], original_shape[2])
        timedata.calendar = '365_day'

    # Remove incomplete starting year
    timedata.first_year = timedata.dayone.year
    if (timedata.dayone.month!=1)|(!=1):
        timedata.first_year = timedata.dayone.year+1
        start = np.argmax(timedata.dates.year==timedata.first_year)
        if options.keeptave:
            tave = tave[start:,...]
            original_shape = (tave.shape[0], original_shape[1], original_shape[2])
        if options.keeptmax:
            tmax = tmax[start:,...]
            original_shape = (tmax.shape[0], original_shape[1], original_shape[2])
        if options.keeptmin:
            tmin = tmin[start:,...]
            original_shape = (tmin.shape[0], original_shape[1], original_shape[2])

    # Apply mask
    if options.maskfile:
        if options.keeptave:
            tave = tave[:,mask]
        if options.keeptmax:
            tmax = tmax[:,mask]
        if options.keeptmin:
            tmin = tmin[:,mask]

    if options.verbose: print("Caclulating definition")
    # Calculate EHF
    if not options.noehf:
        EHF =*np.nan
        for i in range(32, tave.shape[0]):
            EHIaccl = tave[i-2:i+1,...].sum(axis=0)/3.0 - tave[i-32:i-2,...].sum(axis=0)/30.0
            EHIsig = tave[i-2:i+1,...].sum(axis=0)/3.0 - tpct[i-timedata.daysinyear*int((i+1)/timedata.daysinyear),...]
            EHF[i,...] =, 1.0)*EHIsig
        EHF[EHF<0] = 0
    if options.ehi:
        EHIaccl =*np.nan
        EHIsig =*np.nan
        for i in range(32, tave.shape[0]):
            EHIaccl[i,...] = tave[i-2:i+1,...].sum(axis=0)/3.0 - tave[i-32:i-2,...].sum(axis=0)/30.0
            EHIsig[i,...] = tave[i-2:i+1,...].sum(axis=0)/3.0 - tpct[i-timedata.daysinyear*int((i+1)/timedata.daysinyear),...]

    # Tx90pc exceedences
    if options.keeptmin or options.keeptmax:
        if options.keeptmax:
            txexceed =*np.nan
            for i in range(0, tmax.shape[0]):
                idoy = i-timedata.daysinyear*int((i+1)/timedata.daysinyear)
                txexceed[i,...] = tmax[i,...]>txpct[idoy,...]
            txexceed[txexceed>0] = tmax[txexceed>0]
            txexceed[txexceed==0] = np.nan # need nans to be identified correctly
        if options.keeptmin:
            tnexceed =*np.nan
            for i in range(0, tmin.shape[0]):
                idoy = i-timedata.daysinyear*int((i+1)/timedata.daysinyear)
                tnexceed[i,...] = tmin[i,...]>tnpct[idoy,...]
            tnexceed[tnexceed>0] = tmin[tnexceed>0]
            tnexceed[tnexceed==0] = np.nan # need nans to be identified correctly

    # Calculate daily output
    if options.dailyout or options.dailyout: event, ends = identify_hw(EHF)
    if options.tx90pcd: event_tx, ends_tx = identify_hw(txexceed)
    if options.tn90pcd: event_tn, ends_tn = identify_hw(tnexceed)

    timedata.nyears = len(range(timedata.first_year, timedata.daylast.year + 1))

    # Calculate yearly output
    if options.yearlyout:
        if options.verbose: print("Calculating yearly aspects")
        # Split by latitude
        north = (grid.lats>0).any()
        south = (grid.lats<=0).any()
        if not options.noehf:
            HWA_EHF, HWM_EHF, HWN_EHF, HWF_EHF, HWD_EHF, HWT_EHF = split_hemispheres(
        if options.tx90pc:
            HWA_tx, HWM_tx, HWN_tx, HWF_tx, HWD_tx, HWT_tx = split_hemispheres(
        if options.tn90pc:
            HWA_tn, HWM_tn, HWN_tn, HWF_tn, HWD_tn, HWT_tn = split_hemispheres(

    if options.verbose: print("Saving")
    # Save yearly data to netcdf
    if options.yearlyout:
        if not options.noehf:
        if options.tx90pc:
        if options.tn90pc:

    # Save daily data to netcdf
    if options.dailyout:
        if options.keeptave:
        if options.tx90pcd:
        if options.tn90pcd:

    # save EHIs
    if options.ehi:
        ncio.save_ehi(EHIsig, EHIaccl, options, timedata, original_shape, mask)
def split_hemispheres(EHF: numpy.ndarray, north: bool, south: bool) ‑> tuple

Split the input data by hemispheres, and glue them back together after heatwave calculations.

The EHF spatial axes are reshaped into a single dimension. The output arrays are 2D. When saving, data should be reshaped or indexed with a land-sea mask.


  • EHF : EHF values.
  • north : Calculate heatwaves for the northern hemisphere.
  • south : Calculate heatwaves for the southern hemisphere.


  • HWA : Amplitude
  • HWM : Magnitude
  • HWN : Number
  • HWF : Frequency
  • HWD : Maximum duration
  • HWT : Timing
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def split_hemispheres(EHF:np.ndarray, north:bool, south:bool)->tuple:
    """Split the input data by hemispheres, and glue them back together after heatwave

    The EHF spatial axes are reshaped into a single dimension.
    The output arrays are 2D. When saving, data should be reshaped or indexed with a land-sea mask.

    ## Arguments:

    - EHF : EHF values.
    - north : Calculate heatwaves for the northern hemisphere.
    - south : Calculate heatwaves for the southern hemisphere.

    ## Returns:

    - HWA : Amplitude
    - HWM : Magnitude
    - HWN : Number
    - HWF : Frequency
    - HWD : Maximum duration
    - HWT : Timing
    lats = grid.lats
    if south:
        if options.maskfile:
            EHF_s = EHF[:,:(mask[lats<=0]>0).sum()]
            EHF_s = EHF[:,lats<=0,...]
        # Reshape to 2D
        space = EHF_s.shape[1:]
        if len(space)>1:
            EHF_s = EHF_s.reshape(EHF_s.shape[0], space[0]*space[1])
        # Southern hemisphere aspects
        HWA_s, HWM_s, HWN_s, HWF_s, HWD_s, HWT_s = hw_aspects(EHF_s, options.season, 'south')
        del EHF_s
    if north:
        if options.maskfile:
            EHF_n = EHF[:,(mask[lats<=0]>0).sum():]
            EHF_n = EHF[:,lats>0,...]
        # Reshape to 2D
        space = EHF_n.shape[1:]
        if len(space)>1:
            EHF_n = EHF_n.reshape(EHF_n.shape[0],space[0]*space[1])
        # Northern hemisphere aspects
        HWA_n, HWM_n, HWN_n, HWF_n, HWD_n, HWT_n = hw_aspects(EHF_n, options.season, 'north')
        del EHF_n
    # Glue hemispheres back together
    if north and south:
        HWA = np.append(HWA_s, HWA_n, axis=1)
        HWM = np.append(HWM_s, HWM_n, axis=1)
        HWN = np.append(HWN_s, HWN_n, axis=1)
        HWF = np.append(HWF_s, HWF_n, axis=1)
        HWD = np.append(HWD_s, HWD_n, axis=1)
        HWT = np.append(HWT_s, HWT_n, axis=1)
    elif north:
        HWA = HWA_n
        HWM = HWM_n
        HWN = HWN_n
        HWF = HWF_n
        HWD = HWD_n
        HWT = HWT_n
    elif south:
        HWA = HWA_s
        HWM = HWM_s
        HWN = HWN_s
        HWF = HWF_s
        HWD = HWD_s
        HWT = HWT_s
    return HWA, HWM, HWN, HWF, HWD, HWT
def window_percentile(temp: numpy.ndarray, daysinyear: int = 365, wsize: int = 15) ‑> numpy.ndarray

Calculate a day-of-year moving window percentile.


  • temp : Temperature data.
  • daysinyear : Number of days in a year.
  • wsize : Number of days in moving window.
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def window_percentile(temp:np.ndarray, daysinyear:int=365, wsize:int=15)->np.ndarray:
    """Calculate a day-of-year moving window percentile.

    ## Arguments:

    - temp : Temperature data.
    - daysinyear : Number of days in a year.
    - wsize : Number of days in moving window.
    # Initialise array.
    pctl = np.ones(((daysinyear,)+temp.shape[1:]))*const.FILL_VAL

    # Construct the window.
    window = np.zeros(daysinyear, dtype=bool)
    window[-np.floor(wsize/2.).astype(int):] = 1
    window[:np.ceil(wsize/2.).astype(int)] = 1
    window = np.tile(window, options.bpend + 1 - options.bpstart)

    # Select the interpolation method.
    if options.qtilemethod=='python':
        percentile = np.percentile
        parameter = 0
    elif options.qtilemethod=='zhang':
        percentile = qtiler.quantile_zhang_fast
        parameter = False
    elif options.qtilemethod=='matlab':
        percentile = qtiler.quantile_R
        parameter = 5
    elif options.qtilemethod=='climpact':
        percentile = qtiler.quantile_climpact
        parameter = False

    # Set the percentile for each day of year.
    for day in range(daysinyear):
        pctl[day,...] = percentile(temp[window,...], options.pcntl, parameter)
        window = np.roll(window, 1)

    # Remaining nans are missing data.
    pctl[np.isnan(pctl)] = const.MISSING_VAL

    return pctl


class GridDescription (lats=array([], dtype=float64))

Description of grid.


  • lats : Latitudes.
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class GridDescription(object):
    """Description of grid."""

    def __init__(self, lats=np.array([])):
        """## Arguments:

        - lats : Latitudes.
        self.lats = lats