Module ehfheatwaves.qtiler

Contains functions that calculate quantiles using various interpolation methods.

@author: Tammas Loughran

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Contains functions that calculate quantiles using various interpolation methods.

@author: Tammas Loughran
import math
import sys

import numpy as np

class InvalidPercentileError(Exception):
    """Exception to be raised if the provided percentile is invalid."""

    def __init__(self, p):
        print(p, " is not a valid fraction value.")

def quantile_R(
    """Quantile function used in R.

    Calculates quantiles in the same way as the quantile function in R.
    There are nine interpolation methods. Type 1-3 are discrete methods and
    4-9 are continuous methods. 4 is a basic linear interpolation. 5 is the
    default method used in Matlab. 7 is the default used in R and Python.
    See: Hyndman, R. J. and Fan, Y. (1996) Sample quantiles in statistical
    packages, American Statistician, 50, 361-365.

    ## Arguments:

    - x : Input value.
    - p : Percentile.
    - itype : interpolation method to use.
    - fraction : boolean indicates if percentile is a fraction 0<p<1.0.
    - rmnans : boolean indicates whether or not to remove nans.

    ## Returns:

    - q : quantile at pth percentile

    # Convert the percentile to a fraction
    if not fraction:
        p = p/100.0
    if (p>1) or (p<0): raise InvalidPercentileError(p)
    # Flatten the array
    x = x.flatten()
    # remove nans if desired
    if (np.isnan(np.min(x)))&(rmnans==True):
        x = x[np.logical_not(np.isnan(x))]
    elif (np.isnan(np.min(x)))&(rmnans==False):
        raise Exception('You must not have nans in percentile calculation')
    if (p==1): return max(x)
    # Get number of samples
    n = len(x)
    # Sort
    x = np.sort(x)
    # Switch case functions for interpolation type
    def one(x, p, n):
        m = 0.0
        j = int(np.floor(p*n + m))
        g = n*p + m - j
        if g==0:
            gamma = 0.
            gamma = 1.
        return (1. - gamma)*x[j-1] + gamma*x[j]

    def two(x, p, n):
        m = 0.0
        j = int(np.floor(p*n + m))
        g = n*p + m - j
        if g==0:
            gamma = 0.5
            gamma = 1.
        return (1. - gamma)*x[j-1] + gamma*x[j]

    def three(x, p, n):
        m = -0.5
        j = int(np.floor(p*n + m))
        g = n*p + m - j
        if (g==0)&(j%2==0):
            gamma = 0.
            gamma = 1.
        return (1. - gamma)*x[j-1] + gamma*x[j]

    def four(x, p, n):
        m = 0.0
        j = int(np.floor(p*n + m))
        gamma = n*p + m - j
        return (1. - gamma)*x[j-1] + gamma*x[j]

    def five(x, p, n):
        m = 0.5
        j = int(np.floor(p*n + m))
        gamma = n*p + m - j
        return (1. - gamma)*x[j-1] + gamma*x[j]

    def six(x, p, n):
        m = p
        j = int(np.floor(p*n + m))
        gamma = n*p + m - j
        return (1. - gamma)*x[j-1] + gamma*x[j]

    def seven(x, p, n):
        m = 1.0 - p
        j = int(np.floor(p*n + m))
        gamma = n*p + m - j
        return (1. - gamma)*x[j-1] + gamma*x[j]

    def eight(x, p, n):
        m = (p + 1)/3.
        j = int(np.floor(p*n + m))
        gamma = n*p + m - j
        return (1. - gamma)*x[j-1] + gamma*x[j]

    def nine(x, p, n):
        m = p/4. + 3./8.
        j = int(np.floor(p*n + m))
        gamma = n*p + m - j
        return (1. - gamma)*x[j-1] + gamma*x[j]

    switcher = {
            1: one,
            2: two,
            3: three,
            4: four,
            5: five,
            6: six,
            7: seven,
            8: eight,
            9: nine,
    return switcher[itype](x, p, n)

def quantile_zhang(y:np.ndarray, p:float, fraction:bool=False, rmnans:bool=False)->float:
    """Caclulate the `p`th percentile value of an array `y` using the Zhang method.

    The linear interpolation method used is outlined in Zhang et al., 2005,
    Avoiding Inhomogeneity in Percentile-Based Indices of Temperature Extremes,
    Journal of Climate, vol. 18.

    The interpolation is given as:

    $$ Q_p =  (1 - f)*y_j + f*y_j + 1 $$

    $$ p<1/(n + 1) $$ are set to the smallest value in `y`.

    $$ p>n/(n + 1) $$ are set to the largest value in `y`.

    ## Arguments:

    - y : Input array.
    - p : pth percentile.
    - fraction : boolean indicates if percentile is a fraction 0<p<1.
    - rmnans : boolean indicates whether or not to remove nans

    ## Returns:

    - Qp : qualtile of pth percentile
    # Convert the percentile to a fraction
    if not fraction:
        p = p/100.0
    if (p>1) or (p<0): raise InvalidPercentileError(p)
    # Flatten array
    #y = y.flatten()
    if (np.isnan(np.min(y)))&(rmnans==True):
        y = y[np.logical_not(np.isnan(y))]
    elif (np.isnan(np.min(y)))&(rmnans==False):
        raise Exception('You must not have nans in percentile calculation')
    n = y.shape[0]
    # j is the largest integer no greater than (p*(n+1))
    j = math.floor(p*(n + 1))
    # f is the interpolation factor
    f = p*(n + 1) - j

    def intrpl(y, j):
        if j>=n:
            return y[-1]
        elif j<1:
            return y[0]
            yj = y[j-1]
            yjp = y[j]
            return (1 - f)*yj + f*yjp

    if y.ndim==1:
        y = np.sort(y)
        Qp = intrpl(y, j)
        spacedim = np.array(y.shape)[1:].prod()
        oldshape = y.shape[1:]
        y = y.reshape(y.shape[0], spacedim)
        Qp = np.ones(spacedim)*np.nan
        for lat in range(spacedim):
            array = np.sort(y[:,lat])
            Qp[lat] = intrpl(array, j)
        Qp = Qp.reshape(oldshape)
    return Qp

def quantile_zhang_fast(x:np.ndarray, q:float, fraction:bool=False, rmnans:bool=False)->float:
    """A faster version of quantile_zhang. Thanks goes to Mathias Hauser for this.

    ## Arguments:

    - y : Input array.
    - p : pth percentile.
    - fraction : boolean indicates if percentile is a fraction 0<p<1.
    - rmnans : boolean indicates whether or not to remove nans

    ## Returns:

    - Qp : qualtile of pth percentile
    n = x.shape[0]
    # Convert the percentile to a fraction
    if fraction:
        q = q*100.0
    if (q<0) or (q>100): raise InvalidPercentileError(q)
    if q==100.0: return max(x)
    elif q==0.0: return min(x)
    # adjust p such that np.percentile returns the same as quantile_zhang
    #  numpy uses (n -1); quantile_zhang uses (n + 1)
    q_adj = q*(n + 1.0)/(n - 1.0)
    #  numpy uses indices j and j+1; quantile_zhang uses j-1 and j
    q_adj -= 1.0*100.0/(n - 1)
    # ensure q_adj is in 0..100.
    q_adj = np.clip(q_adj, 0.0, 100.0)

    return np.percentile(x, q_adj, axis=0)

def quantile_climpact(y:np.ndarray, p:float, fraction:bool=False)->float:
    """Quantile function used by Climpact.

    Copy of the c_quantile function used in climpact.
    I have no idea where the interpolation is from.
    if not fraction:
        p = p/100.
    if (p>1) or (p<0): raise InvalidPercentileError(p)
    y = np.array(y)
    if y.ndim==1:
        return qclimpact(y, p)
        spacedim = y.shape[1]
        nodims = y.ndim
        if nodims>2:
            spacedim = np.array(y.shape)[1:].prod()
            oldshape = y.shape[1:]
            y = y.reshape(y.shape[0], spacedim)
        Qp = np.ones(spacedim)*np.nan
        for lat in range(spacedim):
            if np.isnan(y[:,lat]).all(): continue
            Qp[lat] = qclimpact(y[:,lat],p)
        if nodims>2: Qp = Qp.reshape(oldshape)
    return Qp

def qclimpact(y:np.ndarray, p:float)->float:
    y = y[np.logical_not(np.isnan(y))]
    n = y.shape[0]
    a, b = 1.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0
    nppm = a + p*(n + 1 - a - b) - 1
    fuzz = 4*sys.float_info.epsilon
    j = math.floor(nppm + fuzz)
    if (abs(nppm - j)<=fuzz):
        h = 0
        h = nppm - j
    right_elem = max(0, min(int(j) + 1, n - 1))
    left_elem = max(0, min(int(j), n - 1))
    y = np.sort(y)
    if h==1:
        Qp = y[right_elem]
    elif h==0:
        Qp = y[left_elem]
        Qp = (1 - h)*y[left_elem] + h*y[right_elem]
    return Qp


def qclimpact(y: numpy.ndarray, p: float) ‑> float
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def qclimpact(y:np.ndarray, p:float)->float:
    y = y[np.logical_not(np.isnan(y))]
    n = y.shape[0]
    a, b = 1.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0
    nppm = a + p*(n + 1 - a - b) - 1
    fuzz = 4*sys.float_info.epsilon
    j = math.floor(nppm + fuzz)
    if (abs(nppm - j)<=fuzz):
        h = 0
        h = nppm - j
    right_elem = max(0, min(int(j) + 1, n - 1))
    left_elem = max(0, min(int(j), n - 1))
    y = np.sort(y)
    if h==1:
        Qp = y[right_elem]
    elif h==0:
        Qp = y[left_elem]
        Qp = (1 - h)*y[left_elem] + h*y[right_elem]
    return Qp
def quantile_R(x: numpy.ndarray, p: float, itype: int = 7, fraction: bool = False, rmnans: bool = False) ‑> float

Quantile function used in R.

Calculates quantiles in the same way as the quantile function in R. There are nine interpolation methods. Type 1-3 are discrete methods and 4-9 are continuous methods. 4 is a basic linear interpolation. 5 is the default method used in Matlab. 7 is the default used in R and Python. See: Hyndman, R. J. and Fan, Y. (1996) Sample quantiles in statistical packages, American Statistician, 50, 361-365.


  • x : Input value.
  • p : Percentile.
  • itype : interpolation method to use.
  • fraction : boolean indicates if percentile is a fraction 0<p<1.0.
  • rmnans : boolean indicates whether or not to remove nans.


  • q : quantile at pth percentile
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def quantile_R(
    """Quantile function used in R.

    Calculates quantiles in the same way as the quantile function in R.
    There are nine interpolation methods. Type 1-3 are discrete methods and
    4-9 are continuous methods. 4 is a basic linear interpolation. 5 is the
    default method used in Matlab. 7 is the default used in R and Python.
    See: Hyndman, R. J. and Fan, Y. (1996) Sample quantiles in statistical
    packages, American Statistician, 50, 361-365.

    ## Arguments:

    - x : Input value.
    - p : Percentile.
    - itype : interpolation method to use.
    - fraction : boolean indicates if percentile is a fraction 0<p<1.0.
    - rmnans : boolean indicates whether or not to remove nans.

    ## Returns:

    - q : quantile at pth percentile

    # Convert the percentile to a fraction
    if not fraction:
        p = p/100.0
    if (p>1) or (p<0): raise InvalidPercentileError(p)
    # Flatten the array
    x = x.flatten()
    # remove nans if desired
    if (np.isnan(np.min(x)))&(rmnans==True):
        x = x[np.logical_not(np.isnan(x))]
    elif (np.isnan(np.min(x)))&(rmnans==False):
        raise Exception('You must not have nans in percentile calculation')
    if (p==1): return max(x)
    # Get number of samples
    n = len(x)
    # Sort
    x = np.sort(x)
    # Switch case functions for interpolation type
    def one(x, p, n):
        m = 0.0
        j = int(np.floor(p*n + m))
        g = n*p + m - j
        if g==0:
            gamma = 0.
            gamma = 1.
        return (1. - gamma)*x[j-1] + gamma*x[j]

    def two(x, p, n):
        m = 0.0
        j = int(np.floor(p*n + m))
        g = n*p + m - j
        if g==0:
            gamma = 0.5
            gamma = 1.
        return (1. - gamma)*x[j-1] + gamma*x[j]

    def three(x, p, n):
        m = -0.5
        j = int(np.floor(p*n + m))
        g = n*p + m - j
        if (g==0)&(j%2==0):
            gamma = 0.
            gamma = 1.
        return (1. - gamma)*x[j-1] + gamma*x[j]

    def four(x, p, n):
        m = 0.0
        j = int(np.floor(p*n + m))
        gamma = n*p + m - j
        return (1. - gamma)*x[j-1] + gamma*x[j]

    def five(x, p, n):
        m = 0.5
        j = int(np.floor(p*n + m))
        gamma = n*p + m - j
        return (1. - gamma)*x[j-1] + gamma*x[j]

    def six(x, p, n):
        m = p
        j = int(np.floor(p*n + m))
        gamma = n*p + m - j
        return (1. - gamma)*x[j-1] + gamma*x[j]

    def seven(x, p, n):
        m = 1.0 - p
        j = int(np.floor(p*n + m))
        gamma = n*p + m - j
        return (1. - gamma)*x[j-1] + gamma*x[j]

    def eight(x, p, n):
        m = (p + 1)/3.
        j = int(np.floor(p*n + m))
        gamma = n*p + m - j
        return (1. - gamma)*x[j-1] + gamma*x[j]

    def nine(x, p, n):
        m = p/4. + 3./8.
        j = int(np.floor(p*n + m))
        gamma = n*p + m - j
        return (1. - gamma)*x[j-1] + gamma*x[j]

    switcher = {
            1: one,
            2: two,
            3: three,
            4: four,
            5: five,
            6: six,
            7: seven,
            8: eight,
            9: nine,
    return switcher[itype](x, p, n)
def quantile_climpact(y: numpy.ndarray, p: float, fraction: bool = False) ‑> float

Quantile function used by Climpact.

Copy of the c_quantile function used in climpact. I have no idea where the interpolation is from.

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def quantile_climpact(y:np.ndarray, p:float, fraction:bool=False)->float:
    """Quantile function used by Climpact.

    Copy of the c_quantile function used in climpact.
    I have no idea where the interpolation is from.
    if not fraction:
        p = p/100.
    if (p>1) or (p<0): raise InvalidPercentileError(p)
    y = np.array(y)
    if y.ndim==1:
        return qclimpact(y, p)
        spacedim = y.shape[1]
        nodims = y.ndim
        if nodims>2:
            spacedim = np.array(y.shape)[1:].prod()
            oldshape = y.shape[1:]
            y = y.reshape(y.shape[0], spacedim)
        Qp = np.ones(spacedim)*np.nan
        for lat in range(spacedim):
            if np.isnan(y[:,lat]).all(): continue
            Qp[lat] = qclimpact(y[:,lat],p)
        if nodims>2: Qp = Qp.reshape(oldshape)
    return Qp
def quantile_zhang(y: numpy.ndarray, p: float, fraction: bool = False, rmnans: bool = False) ‑> float

Caclulate the pth percentile value of an array y using the Zhang method.

The linear interpolation method used is outlined in Zhang et al., 2005, Avoiding Inhomogeneity in Percentile-Based Indices of Temperature Extremes, Journal of Climate, vol. 18.

The interpolation is given as:

Q_p = (1 - f)*y_j + f*y_j + 1

p<1/(n + 1) are set to the smallest value in y.

p>n/(n + 1) are set to the largest value in y.


  • y : Input array.
  • p : pth percentile.
  • fraction : boolean indicates if percentile is a fraction 0<p<1.
  • rmnans : boolean indicates whether or not to remove nans


  • Qp : qualtile of pth percentile
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def quantile_zhang(y:np.ndarray, p:float, fraction:bool=False, rmnans:bool=False)->float:
    """Caclulate the `p`th percentile value of an array `y` using the Zhang method.

    The linear interpolation method used is outlined in Zhang et al., 2005,
    Avoiding Inhomogeneity in Percentile-Based Indices of Temperature Extremes,
    Journal of Climate, vol. 18.

    The interpolation is given as:

    $$ Q_p =  (1 - f)*y_j + f*y_j + 1 $$

    $$ p<1/(n + 1) $$ are set to the smallest value in `y`.

    $$ p>n/(n + 1) $$ are set to the largest value in `y`.

    ## Arguments:

    - y : Input array.
    - p : pth percentile.
    - fraction : boolean indicates if percentile is a fraction 0<p<1.
    - rmnans : boolean indicates whether or not to remove nans

    ## Returns:

    - Qp : qualtile of pth percentile
    # Convert the percentile to a fraction
    if not fraction:
        p = p/100.0
    if (p>1) or (p<0): raise InvalidPercentileError(p)
    # Flatten array
    #y = y.flatten()
    if (np.isnan(np.min(y)))&(rmnans==True):
        y = y[np.logical_not(np.isnan(y))]
    elif (np.isnan(np.min(y)))&(rmnans==False):
        raise Exception('You must not have nans in percentile calculation')
    n = y.shape[0]
    # j is the largest integer no greater than (p*(n+1))
    j = math.floor(p*(n + 1))
    # f is the interpolation factor
    f = p*(n + 1) - j

    def intrpl(y, j):
        if j>=n:
            return y[-1]
        elif j<1:
            return y[0]
            yj = y[j-1]
            yjp = y[j]
            return (1 - f)*yj + f*yjp

    if y.ndim==1:
        y = np.sort(y)
        Qp = intrpl(y, j)
        spacedim = np.array(y.shape)[1:].prod()
        oldshape = y.shape[1:]
        y = y.reshape(y.shape[0], spacedim)
        Qp = np.ones(spacedim)*np.nan
        for lat in range(spacedim):
            array = np.sort(y[:,lat])
            Qp[lat] = intrpl(array, j)
        Qp = Qp.reshape(oldshape)
    return Qp
def quantile_zhang_fast(x: numpy.ndarray, q: float, fraction: bool = False, rmnans: bool = False) ‑> float

A faster version of quantile_zhang. Thanks goes to Mathias Hauser for this.


  • y : Input array.
  • p : pth percentile.
  • fraction : boolean indicates if percentile is a fraction 0<p<1.
  • rmnans : boolean indicates whether or not to remove nans


  • Qp : qualtile of pth percentile
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def quantile_zhang_fast(x:np.ndarray, q:float, fraction:bool=False, rmnans:bool=False)->float:
    """A faster version of quantile_zhang. Thanks goes to Mathias Hauser for this.

    ## Arguments:

    - y : Input array.
    - p : pth percentile.
    - fraction : boolean indicates if percentile is a fraction 0<p<1.
    - rmnans : boolean indicates whether or not to remove nans

    ## Returns:

    - Qp : qualtile of pth percentile
    n = x.shape[0]
    # Convert the percentile to a fraction
    if fraction:
        q = q*100.0
    if (q<0) or (q>100): raise InvalidPercentileError(q)
    if q==100.0: return max(x)
    elif q==0.0: return min(x)
    # adjust p such that np.percentile returns the same as quantile_zhang
    #  numpy uses (n -1); quantile_zhang uses (n + 1)
    q_adj = q*(n + 1.0)/(n - 1.0)
    #  numpy uses indices j and j+1; quantile_zhang uses j-1 and j
    q_adj -= 1.0*100.0/(n - 1)
    # ensure q_adj is in 0..100.
    q_adj = np.clip(q_adj, 0.0, 100.0)

    return np.percentile(x, q_adj, axis=0)


class InvalidPercentileError (p)

Exception to be raised if the provided percentile is invalid.

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class InvalidPercentileError(Exception):
    """Exception to be raised if the provided percentile is invalid."""

    def __init__(self, p):
        print(p, " is not a valid fraction value.")


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException